Alicia Harvey Alicia Harvey

First Blog Post Ever! 04/01/2025

Welcome to 2025!


Welcome to 2025, to my website and my first ever blog post!

I can’t believe I actually took the plunge and launched my website and blog in the final couple of months of 2024.
I am making 2025 my year. Is it going to be yours?

I am now 35 years old. Where have the years gone?

For the first time in my life I am learning about who I really am, that I am worth something to this world, and that I’m the only thing standing in my own way.
I have learned that if I have a dream, that anything is possible if you start taking steps towards it today.

Up until now, I have lived a careful, fearful, and small life.
A life of anxiety and meticulous planning, in preparation for all of the things that “could go wrong”.
No confidence in myself and a very low self-esteem left me standing in the way of my own dreams.
A life where I stood back to avoid being seen or heard, watching in awe of others living the life I desired.
I based my life and actions on the approval of others.
Trying to please people who were not living a life that aligned with the life I wanted.
People that I could never please.

I have lived seeking the approval of others and tolerated things I shouldn’t, all because I have never loved myself enough to strive for better.
Lived in environments and around people who are toxic to my wellbeing.

Throughout my life I have experienced a high level of trauma, most of which I will cover in my new Youtube channel I am launching this year.

In 2023, I hit a crossroads in my life.

My low confidence and self-esteem had resulted in me being surrounded by negative and toxic people with unhealthy behavior and in situations that did not serve me.
I realised it was time for me to turn my life around, in order to teach my children how to treat themselves as they navigate life.
I want them to learn that if you treat yourself poorly, others will take that as an invitation to treat you the same way. It leaves them a target to be taken advantage of like their mother has her entire life.

For the first time in 35 years, I recognized despite the circumstances outside of my control…
I was standing in my own way. I couldn’t control or change the behaviour of others, but I could change my reaction and my own behaviour.

I learned that if you are unhappy with your current life, taking the exact same actions would not improve my life.
I needed to take different actions to see better outcomes.

All of this has lead me to where I am today.

Since 2023, I have:
- Separated myself from unhealthy people and relationships that no longer served me.
- Set strong boundaries around the behaviours I will and will not tolerate from others.
- Engaged in regular therapy.
- Starting working on my negative inner dialog.
- Started working on my physical and mental health.
- Started practicing self-care and learning to be comfortable taking some time out for myself.
- Started a new life chapter by moving to a new town with my newer healthier family.
- Started work on my dream of running my own business and becoming financially independent in the next 10 years.

If you read this entire post, I really appreciate you taking precious time out of your life to read it!

I’d love to hear what your plans are for 2025!

Take care, stay safe and be kind xoxo

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